New Patients

Register with a GP surgery: Acton Lane Medical Centre

GP Catchment Postcode Search


Use the tool below to search for the GP catchment area by postcode.

Use this service to register with a GP surgery for the first time or to change your current GP surgery.

If you are already registered with a GP surgery you can access some health and prescription services using 

Register using Online Services

How long it takes

It takes around 15 minutes to complete a registration. You need to complete the process in one session. If you are registering more than one person make sure to give yourself enough time.

If you are registering more than one person

For multiple or family registrations you need to complete a registration for each person before submitting them all at once.

If you are registering children under the age of 16 years you must register yourself first.

Before you start

You do not need your NHS number, but it could make registration easier.

We may ask you for:

  • details of previous GP surgery
  • basic health and medical information

The information you provide will be used to identify the correct medical records. It will also help the GP surgery to offer relevant and appropriate healthcare services.

New Registration Health Check

Once registered, you will be asked to make an appointment with our nursing team for a new registration health check. This appointment enables us to collect medical information before your medical records arrive from your previous practice. It is also the start of screening for other medical problems. If you medical history if particularly complex our HCA will book you a follow up appointment with a GP. Normally, you will need to complete a registration medical before seeing one of our GPs.

If you are on any regular medication please ensure you have received sufficient from your previous practice before registering as we may not be able to issue a repeat prescription immediately.

For Guidance on overseas visitors please please visit GOV.UK for further information.

If you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one, you can receive emergency treatment for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.

To register as a temporary resident you will need to complete a Temporary Resident Form. Please return the completed form to the surgery.

You can register as a temporary resident with a GP in England if you are in the area for longer than 24 hours but less than three months.

For further information visit: NHS Choices – How do I register as a temporary resident with a GP?